9th June 2015 - Equals

01/08/2015 21:50
9th June 2015 - Equals.
Greetings dear one. One must always keep in one’s mind the truth that each Soul is an aspect of the One, that in truth all are equal and are all important and each has a part to play in the Cosmic Drama or Dance. No-one plays a part that is more important than any other – all are part of the Cosmic Jigsaw, all parts when they come together complete the picture. So, when in each moment one is interacting with another one should look for the inherent light within that is the Soul aspect, one should see another as an integral and equal part of the One and then the journey should be easier to understand. So dear one, ponder upon these few words and treat each one you meet with love, honour and respect. Blessings. PAX. ©.