8th August 2015 Communicate.

26/12/2015 22:28
8th August 2015 – Communicate.
Greetings dear one. Now is the time when more and more inhabitants of the Earth Plane are able to open up their hearts and minds and communicate with those who reside on higher vibratory planes. Now is the time for each one to learn to listen to the wisdom of their higher self, the Indwelling Soul. Remember that the higher self wishes nothing for you that is not for your greater good. Learn to trust the still small voice called ‘conscience’ or ‘intuition’ for this is the voice of the higher aspect of yourself. When something needs to be known or followed, be sure, it will be made known. Put your faith in yourself, do not put yourself into the hands of those who wish only to fatten their purses at the expense of others. Ponder upon these few words. Have faith in yourself and communicate with your higher self constantly. Blessings. PAX. ©.