7th August 2015 - Gifts.
23/12/2015 10:27
7th August 2015 – Gifts.
Greetings dear one. There are many upon the Earth Plane who wish to tune into the vibratory rate of those who reside upon the level of Souls – not all do so from a deep need for spiritual growth and understanding. Many just wish to use their gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience as a means to make money. They often do not realise that their financial gain is normally at the expense of others who are in pain or suffering a loss of a loved one and are in need of a little comfort and support. One needs to ask ‘is it spiritual to make financial gain from the needs of those help, who are lost, lonely, afraid or grieving’. These gifts are given to one ‘free of charge’ and are given to one to use wisely and in a way which supports Soul growth and spiritual awareness. It would be wise for each one who has the ability to raise and blend their vibratory rate with those on higher levels to take the time to think deeply upon this matter. Blessings. PAX ©.