26.02.92 - Trust

05/06/2012 19:26


26.02.92 - Trust


Be trusting, open up your heart and mind allow the peace and wisdom of your Soul to make stronger contact and be the guiding influence in your life accept that on an inner subjective level that by linking to your Soul you are also able to link with the Greater Soul - The Group Soul. With this linking much can and will be achieved. What will be needed by you in your work will be brought forward. Again we say - 'Trust in your Self', for your Soul will not allow you to follow false trails, it will lead you ever forward to greater and higher truths.


Allow the bridge you have built to remain strong and in good repair. Use it often and allow the energy to pass freely. Do not allow it to stagnate and cause blockages. Allow this constant movement of energy and all will be well. "Oh yea of little faith" - do not allow this to be said of you.


Go forward along the Path. Trust and you will truly recceive what is needed for your work and for your development. Peace be with you. Link always with your Soul.

