25.10.89 - Service through Growth

06/05/2012 18:13


25.10.89 - Service through Growth


It is never too late to set out to find one's inner-self. It is essential that once the Spark of Divinity within has made itself felt that man goes forward with strength, courage and determination, in search of the very essence of being.


As our inner light grows - so does our desire for greater light, or, knowledge and so grows the desire to serve our fellowman.


Service takes many forms and one doesn't have to be seen - to be doing, most aspects of service carried out for the benefit of mankind go by un-noticed by the majority of humanity. Remember though that nothing goes un-noticed by those wonderful Beings of Light and Love, who work constantly for the deliverance of Mankind. They work, always giving and guiding, being the very beacon of light to guide many through the stormy waters of materialism and emotions, to help them safely into the safe mooring of their next port of call.


We are never deserted, many selfless beings give of themselves freely, working through the difficulties of Karma through many lifetimes to reach the point where they can, and do, give freely to others, to be the ever shining Beacon of Light. It is our duty, the reason for our very existence in this physical body, to learn our lessons well, to rise above pain, suffering, emotions and materialism. To allow our light to grow ever brighter and to become, also, a beacon to show others the way back to the Source off All Being, our Father, God. ©
