23rd May 2015 - Deities.

13/07/2015 18:46

23rd May 2015- Deities.
Greetings dear child. In the days gone by humanity deified nature as they observed the order day and night, summer and winter, of the orderly growing of plants and their time of rest before returning. There is order in all things – a time for being born, for living, experiencing and time for departing. This is the order for all that has been made manifest, from the smallest creature to the largest plant and its planetary system. All is governed by the magnificent Creative Principle – Mother/Father God. It is not wrong to honour the Sun and Moon, the flowers and the trees, the food we eat, for it shows one understands the inter-connectedness of all life and the service of one aspect to another that constantly takes place. Ponder on these words and take time to see how creation fits together like a jigsaw puzzle, one by one the mysteries of life will be revealed to the true ‘Seeker of Truth, Light and Love’. Blessings. PAX. ©.
