Thought for the day - 1 (see also 2 and 3).
Thought for the Day - 1
Further updates will be posted on Thought for the Day - 2 and 3 as this file is now full.
7th January 2014
'Walk hand in hand with those souls whom you attract to your side, for they are most probably part of your own Soul Group'.....
16th January 2014
'Remember, always pencil in your plans for often the Soul within will need to change your direction - so be open to change'.....
15th January 2014
'Honour at all times the Creative Principle within the whole of Creation'......
14th Janaury 2014
´Value each moment and learn to ´walk your talk´ not just to ´talk your talk´......
13th January 2014
´Live life to the full, live each moment as if it is the only moment´.....
12th January 2014
´See all your problems as lessons and challenges - there is no such thing as a problem´......
11th January 2014
''Embrace your fellowman as you would a loved one'.....
10th January 2014
'You are a microcosm of the macrocosm '.....
9th January 2014
'Walk tall in the knowledge that you re an aspiring child of God'......
8th January 20141
'Make your preparations with care and follow your instincts whenever possible[.....
Do whatever it is you are doing today and do it well´...........
Respect the values and rituals of othersand they will return the gesture - honour all things and people´.....
´When travelling make certain that you have enough time to do the journeyafety, your life is precious´.......
'Be there today for those around you who may need help and support - it will be returned tenfold'......
'Be prepared for whatever the Universal Forces present over the coming days - Be in the moment and there will be no problems'.....
'When you have nothing to say - keep quiet, do not speak for the sake of speaking'......
'Set your goals for the things you wish to achieve in the coming twelve months - be focused'.....
'This day sees the end of one cycle and the start of a new one - this is time for reflection and future planning - allow time for both'......
'Healing comes in many forms - spiritual, emotional and mental. Healing works through orthodox and comlimentary practices'.....
'Beauty is only skin deep, look closely at those you meet upon the journey and see the beauty within each of them'.......
'Invite friends around to your home, share new ideas and explore them with an open heart and mind'.....
'Be true to yourself and in doing so try to be true to others'......
26/12/2013 - Boxing Day
'A day of relaxation to regenerate the outer and inner aspects of the self - spoil yourself'.....
25/12/2013 - Christmas Day
'I hope that your day went well and you enjoyed every moment spent with friends and loved ones today'.......
24/12/2013 Christmas Eve
'May the Spirit of Goodwill be with you and your families at this special festive time - enjoy the time spent with them and may the peace of the One be with you'.....
'Do not let the worries of the day make you feel negative - look for the positive aspects within it that will lift you up'....
'This is the time of year when one looks back at the last twelve months and examines the many varied experiences - take what is positive with you into the New Year and discard that which is of no further use'.......
'The feeling of Goodwill is alive and vibrant - embrace it'.....
'With the festive season drawing close try to spend time looking at the true meaning that underlies this time'.....
'Be focused on any new goal you wish to realise - this will attract the energies that will be most productive and helpful'.....
'Nurture loved ones and enjoy their company when you have the opportunity - for each moment is precious'.....
'When you give please give unconditionally - and with no attachment'.....
'If you are travelling over the festive season do take care of yourself and your possessions - allow plenty of time for your journey'......
'When you are focused and in the moment all will go according to plan - when one does things in haste problems can be the result'.....
'Let thine eyes behold the beauty of the Lord - and my your life be a reflection of it'.....
'Enjoy the search for new and uplifting evidence that supports your reality'......
Spending time and sharing joy with those you love is a most amazing experience'.....
'Be there and share a word of encouragement when someone you know is in need of help and support'.....
'Be true to your own understanding at all times, do not be afraid to speak your own truth, believe in yourself'.....
'Sharing time with friends and loved ones brings great joy, at any time'.....
'Enjoy this festive season with family and friends but spend time thinking about energy that underlies it'.....
'Each day is special - do not miss the opportunity to be at your best in every moment'.....
'As we approach the Season of Goodwill make certain that your actions are a reflection of the wonderful energy of Goodwill'.
'Be compassionate to those you meet on your journey for one day you may need be in need of compassion'.......
'Try to be open minded and explore your own reality'.....
'Life should be fun - make sure you take some time out each day to do the things you enjoy doing'.........
'Today make the most of every opportunity that presents itself into your day to day activities'.....
'Sharing is important - it leads to growth, understanding and compassion'.......
'Be in the moment. try to be spontaneous - do not your Ego get in the way, listen to your inner Self'.....
'Be of service whenever you get the opportunity - for through service you will grow stronger'.....
The support of others is valuable and necessary if one wishes to achieve completion in any project they are involved in’…….
Accept helping hands graciously whenever they are needed and offered’……
‘Keep yourself busy and achieve all you set out to do each day’……
There will always be situations that surround you over which you will have no control whatsoever, just be patient and allow others to see the situation through to its conclusion’…….
‘The world is a wonderful place, full of surprises – get out there, explore and enjoy’……
‘When friends invite you into their space – embrace this time to share your understanding and to expand your consciousness’…..
‘Be in the moment and place your focus on whatever you are doing’……..
'Preparation is important - prepare with care to the best of your ability for each situation that lies ahead of you'.....
'When you have the opportunity to spend time out of your home space - enjoy the moment, but when you return
'Embrace your loved ones every day and enjoy the time you share together - be loving and giving'.....
´Today indulge yourself and explore your inner self - get to know who you really are´......
'Be open to new ideas today and trust in you own insight'....
'Hold out a helping hand and others will return the gesture - support those around you'......
' Be happy and share your joy with all those people you know and meet today'........
´Try to do things for others - something small each day and your blessings will increase´.......
'Do not judge those you meet as you walk the path today'......
´Live each day as if it is the only day you have to live - make every moment and every encounter count´.....
'Treat each new just as just that - NEW'. Enjoy each surprising new moment'........
'Spend time remembering those of your loved one's who are no longer with you - send out your loving thoughts'.....
´Take care when doing work for others, dot all the ´i´s and cross all the ´t´s and all will be well´.....
'Love is the greatest gift and is the reason behind our journey here on earth - explore it with an open heart'......
'Be strong in the knowledge of your inner strength - walk tall'......
'Take good care of the physical self - a healthy body and mind is most important, honour yourself'........
´Friends and family are important - give them the love and respect that they deserve´......
´Walk hand in hand with those you love today - embrace the love shared´.......
'Trust in your instincts and act accordingly'....
‘Be thankful for each new day and the blessings and people who play their part in it’…..
‘Remembering those of our loved ones who have passed away is never morbid, it can often be uplifting and there may be a hidden message within the memory’…..
‘Enjoying treating those you love to special little treats whenever you have the opportunity’….
‘Reach out and touch those you love and let them know that you love them’…..
'We are one with all around us - what you achieve for yourself you also achieve for others'.......
'Do not fear trying new approaches to your working and private life - step out into the unknown NOW'.....
'Life should always have an element of fun – allow for some quality fun time in your day’…..
Always have an open mind and heart, many things will unsettle you, but have the courage and strength to look at it closely before making any decisions’…..
‘Sometimes one needs to look with care at their personal needs and prioritise’……
‘Enjoy time spent with old friends – spend time remembering past happy events and making plans for the future’……
‘Two minds working in harmony and much better than one struggling in the darkness’.....
‘Welcome the input of others, there just may be something presented that will carry you to the next lesson’…..
‘Put all your energy into what ever you find yourself working on and progress will be made’…..
‘Every day will have its high’s and low’s – just hang on in there and do the best you can’…..
‘It is right and proper to stand up for whatever you believe in’…..
‘Trust in your own ability to make the right choices’……
‘You are special, you are the embodiment of light and love – honour the Soul within’……
‘Stand up for yourself and your perception of reality – for you are a unique aspect of the One and your experience is unique’…..
‘Try not to be dragged into the affairs of others as the journey may not be one you need to make’……
‘Enjoy those moments of relaxation when your time belongs to you and you alone’……
‘Stand firm in your resolve to help those around you whenever they are in need of help and support’…..
‘Your friends are the guide post as you journey through life’…..
‘Keep Your thoughts focused on whatever it is you want to achieve – single pointed focus, go for it’…….
‘If you wish to be fully awake and conscious each morning try to get to bed early and have a good nights sleep – it helps’……
‘If you wake up feeling down, just throw yourself into your chores and you will find that your mood will change and you feel uplifted’…….
‘When new information is brought forward, keep your mind and your heart open – if there is truth in the new information that is for you to grasp it will resonate within’…..
‘The healing forces work through the hands, hearts and minds of many, in the fields of both orthodox and complementary medicine’……
'Follow your heart and mind in all matters'......
'Take time out today to walk in the park and take note of the beautiful colours of the trees as they prepare for winter'.......
'Support one another as you journey through life - this willmake the tasks that present themselves easier to work through'.....
'Remember that each of your actions will have a reaction - you must remain centred and focused'......
'Friendship is a great gift - enjoy and value what each of your friends bring into your life'.....
'There is no such thing as a problem - there is just a lesson to be learned'.......
'Look at each new day as a fresh adventure - do not got stuck in the past - look forward at all times'.......
'If you wake up in the morning with a full plan of action for the day - then follow it, do not deviate'........
'Some days you will be tried at every step, remain focused and centred - persevere and move forward'......
'When you find yourself in the energy field of someone who is negative put up your personal protection and do not allow the negativity they give off to take you down'.....
'Hold out your hand in friendship to all those you meet as you journey through life - that is how you meet those who help you to learn and grow'.....
'Life happens, but it does not happen in a haphazard manner - remember action follows thought, so be careful of what you think about'.......
'Focus your energies on the important things in life today and all days and you will achieve your goals in each of these areas'.......
'There will be many days when you are not able to achieve what you set to achieve, do not worry, for when the time is right all will be completed'.....
´Help those around you and do whatever is needed to move things forward´.......
´Loving one another makes life so much easier and also so much happier - love all those you meet today and every day´.....
´Be positive on awakening, stay centred and your day will move from order into order´........
'Remember that each of your actions will have a reaction - you must remain centred and focused'......
'Friendship is a great gift - enjoy and value what each of your friends bring into your life'.....
24/09/2013 23:16
'There is no such thing as a problem - there is just a lesson to be learned'.......
'Look at each new day as a fresh adventure - do not got stuck in the past - look forward at all times'.......
'If you wake up in the morning with a full plan of action for the day - then follow it, do not deviate'........
'Some days you will be tried at every step, remain focused and centred - persevere and move forward'.......
'When you find yourself in the energy field of someone who is negative put up your personal protection and do not allow the negativity they give off to take you down'.....
'Hold out your hand in friendship to all those you meet as you journey through life - that is how you meet those who help you to learn and grow'.....
'Life happens, but it does not happen in a haphazard manner - remember action follows thought, so be careful of what you think about'.......
'Focus your energies on the important things in life today and all days and you will achieve your goals in each of these areas'.......
'There will be many days when you are not able to achieve what you set to achieve, do not worry, for when the time is right all will be completed'.....
´Help those around you and do whatever is needed to move things forward´.......
´Loving one another makes life so much easier and also so much happier - love all those you meet today and every day´.....
09/09/2013 10:53
'Be positive on awakening, stay centred and your day will move from order into order´........
Remember that things are not always as they first appear - sometimes you have to peel away the illusion´.....
´Being in the NOW can be full of joy, just try it and see for yourself. Let the past remain where it belongs, in the past and the future is still unknown´.....
'One should never regret the things one has done wrong, one should only regret the things one did for the wrong people'.....
Remember, if at first you do not succeed, then keep focused and keep trying - you will eventually get the desired result´.....
´By starting your day early and with a positive attitude, much will be achieved´.........
'Always try to get a good night's sleep and then you wake feeling refreshed and ready to meet life head-on'.....
Remember that things are not always as they first appear - sometimes you have to peel away the illusion´.....
´Being in the NOW can be full of joy, just try it and see for yourself. Let the past remain where it belongs, in the past and the future is still unknown´.....
'One should never regret the things one has done wrong, one should only regret the things one did for the wrong people'.....
'Remember, if at first you do not succeed, then keep focused and keep trying - you will eventually get the desired result´.....
´By starting your day early and with a positive attitude, much will be achieved´.........
'Always try to get a good night's sleep and then you wake feeling refreshed and ready to meet life head-on'.....
22nd April 2013
‘When you believe in yourself and in your dreams – others will also believe in you’…..
20th April 2013
‘Your friends play a big part in your daily life so please remember to honour them’……
19th April 2013
‘Laughter is life’s way of healing the inner self, tears are a way of releasing and cleansing – learn to celebrate both’…..
18th April 2013
‘Organise your life so that each task is manageable’…..
17th April 2013
‘Be there for those around you and they will be there for you in your times of need’…..
16th April 2013
‘Believe in yourself and you will achieve wonderous things’…..
14th April 2013
‘Positive thoughts that are followed through results in positive actions and results’…..
13th April 2013
‘Life will always be more rewarding if you are able to look on the bright side – be positive in your thoughts and actions’…..
12th April 2013
‘When you have the opportunity to sit by the ocean please absorb some of its strength and beauty, it can be very empowering’…..
11th April 2013
‘God is our Creator, our Strength, our salvation. Believe and your prayers will be answered’…..
10th April 2013
‘Look at the beauty within nature that surrounds you, bathe in its healing energy and give thanks’…..
9th April 2013
‘Embrace your friends for these relationships take years to build up and suport’…..
8th April 2013
‘In life if you embrace people with joy and peace in your heart, they they will respond with the same energy’…..
7th April 2013
‘Smile and embrace your life today – be positive and attract all that is positive into your day’…..
6th April 2013
‘Today and every day is important and how you interact with those you meet each day is important – always be aware of your words and actions’….
5th April 2013
‘Visualise all that you need for the journey and stay focused – in time it will be made manifest, but make certain it is what you need and not what you want. There is a great difference’…..
4th April 2013
‘Be strong not only for yourself but for those you care about’…..
3rd April 2013
' Surrender and place all of your cares and worries at the feet of the Creator - one by one they will be resolved then you can move forward without the weight of the baggage which you can leave behind'.....
2nd April 2013
'If one is focused and in harmony with the forces of the universe then nothing is impossible, remember to take care when asking for something - for you may receive it and not like it'...........
1st April 2013
'Trust in the Universal Life Force for it knows exactly what you need and what you want, these forces know when to bring forth the things you need, those you want - well they may never be brought forth'.......
31st March 2013
'Value the time you spend with your loved ones, each moment is precious and makes your relationship stronger'......
30th March 2013
'Life is a journey filled with mystery and wonder, step out into the unknown and embrace it'.......
29th March 2013
'You are a Beautiful Point of Light - so allow others to see the magnificence that you are'......
28th March 2013
'Enjoy your friendships they are important, communicate with them and let them know you love them'......
27th March 2013
'Share your blessings with those around you and you will benefit from this action ten-fold'......
26th March 2013
'Value your health for it is indeed a true treasure which is not appreciated until it has been lost'........
25th March 2013
'Be open to the kindnesses of others and be proud also of your own acts of kindness'.....
24th March 2013
'You must recognise that you are unique, you are special, as are all those who cross your path each day'.........
23rd March 2013
'Follow your dreams, focus on them and energies them - for they are part of your journey'.....
22nd March 2013
'Look at your dreams of today and see them become the reality of tomorrow'............
21st March 2013
'You are a physical manifestation of God as are all the other incarnate souls inhabiting Planet Earth - love each of them as you love your God'.......
20th March 2013
'Recognise the blessings of being made manifest - honour your physical 'self', embrace it and embrace all the others you meet'.......
19th March 2013
'In this modern world of technology try to remember to back up all your files, no matter how un-important they may appear at the time'....
18th March 2013
'Sound your note clearly, be true to yourself and follow your own inner bidding'.....
17th March 2013
'Your potential for growth knows no boundaries - only those of your own making'.....
16th March 2013
'You are special and unique - you must trust in your own inner decision making, for your Soul knows exactly what is needed for the next part of the journey'....
15th March 2013
'By remaining on top of all your paperwork your life will run much more smoothly - be focused'.....
14th March 2013
'True friends will always be there looking out for you, even though you may be separated by thousands of miles - love is the glue that holds friendships together'.........
13th March 2013
'Some days you will have to take detours - you will not always be able to get to your destination following the planned route'.......
12th March 2013
'Some days will be stressful, things will keep going wrong - just stay centred and count to ten. Tomorrow will be better'.......
11th March 2013
'Allow life to unfold, do not try to force things to happen'......
10th March 2013
'Friends old and new play an important part in your day to day life'.....
9th March 2013
'Have you looked at the happenings of the day, if you have then can you see any re-occurring lessons?'..........
8th March 2013
'You are the sum total of what you eat, think and do - so take notice of these areas of your life'.......
7th March 2103
'You are unique, be proud of your unique-ness - push your boundaries where you feel you have the strength to follow this through'.....
6th March 2013
'Be the Angel that you are in every moment and recognise those myriad of Angels who walk the Earth Plane with you'.........
5th March 2013
'Embrace the bright sunny days, walk amongst the budding trees and experience yourself at one with Nature'........
4th March 2013
'Spend time within the beauty of the new life you will find in the world of nature, all the trees and bushes are now in bud and the spring flowers are beginning to blossom'...........
3rd March 2013
'Share your good fortune with those around you - for there are many who are in need'.........
2nd March 2013
'You chose the family you are walking with in this life - so honour them, love them and support them, they will do the same for you no matter what happens'.....
1st March 2013
'Love your fellowman, love each one unconditionally and they in turn will love you unconditionally'.....
28th february 2013
'Always be prepared and expect the un-expected, then you will find it easier to cope with whatever the day brings forward'.....
27th February 2013
'Remember to smile at those you pass in the street, you may be the only person to do that and it could make all the difference to that person'.....
26th February 2013
'Always remember that there is no Death for your Soul is Eternal'.....
25th February 2013
'When you are feeling tired, or unwell and in need of rest - you must find the time to sit and relax allowing the healing to take place'........
24th February 2013
'When a situation that you thought was on a satisfactory course towards completion suddenly changes - do not fear, it will work out in the end and the change in direction will be for the better'.......
23rd February 2013
'Honour those who walk with you, especially your parents who gave you life and the chance to make this journey'.......
22nd February 2013
'Time is a great healer - but one never truly forgets what caused the pain one just moves forward'.......
21st February 2013
‘Positive thoughts and energy lead to positive results – remain in a positive frame of mind’…….
20th February 2013
‘When you are in the company of like minded individuals be open minded and open hearted – you will be surprised at what information will be shared’…..
19th February 2013
‘When you share your joys wit others they multiply’…..
18th February 2013
‘Try not to let the minor irritations of the day get you down – they are, after all, only minor’……
17th February 2013
‘Embrace life and live each day to the full’…..
16th February 2013
‘The universe will provide all you ‘need’ for your journey through life’…..
15th February 2013
‘Each new day you will meet friends old and new, embrace them all and enjoy the time you spend with them’…..
14th February 2013
‘Be the shining light that you are in all situations you meet – stay focused’….
13th February 2013
‘Fold out a helping hand whenever you can – you never know when you may need one held out for you to hold’…..
12th February 2013
‘When you feel you are not performing at your optimum strength ask the Universe for help, support and healing’……
11th February 2013
‘Focus on every one of the situations that presents themselves as you journey forward’…..
10th February 2013
‘Do not think all your acquaintances are necessarily friends – take care’…..
9th February 2013
‘Think before you speak as careless words once spoken can and will causepainand can not be taken back’…..
8th February 2013
‘When your troubles appear to be too heavy a burden – seek out good friends who lift you up and make your problems diminish’…..
7th February 2013
‘Each new soul that crosses your path brings in their wake a new enhancing situation – feel blessed and enjoy’…..
6th February 2013
‘With each new encounter will come anew lesson – do not fear going into uncharted territory, just enjoy the experience with an open heart and mind’…..
5th February 2013
‘When problems arise, do not let them become a burden – just be in the moment and deal with the situation in a methodical manner’…..
4th February 2013
‘When you find your peaceful place in nature you can always return there in your meditations and quiet times’…..
3rd February 2013
‘Find a peaceful place in nature today and spend some quality time with your inner-self’……
2nd February 2013
‘To achieve anything one must always be focused on the issue of the moment’…….
1st February 2013
‘Each moment of your day is a special moment, value it and achieve all you possibly can, do not waste it’……
31st January 2013
‘Value the young around you, for they are your future’…….
30th January 2013
‘Focus is an essential part of growth’…..
29th January 2013
‘Each day will be unique – everything about it will have its own energy signature’…..
28th January 2013
‘Enjoy the company of like-minded people and be at peace’…..
27th January 2013
‘Believe in your dreams and follow them’…..
26th January 2013
‘Your perception becomes your reality’……
25th January 2013
‘Try always to take the direct route from ’A’ - ‘B’, sometimes the universal life-force will divert your journey, just keep your focus on the destination point’…..
24th January 2013
‘Be unconditional in your dealings with everyone you meet today and se what comes of this approach to life’……
23rd January 2013
‘Be prepared to receive blessings in a form that is different to the way you expected them to embody’…..
22nd January 2013
‘Trust in the powers of the Universal life-force, all you need for the journey will be made manifest’…..
21st January 2013
‘When the time is right for you to reconnect with friends you parted company with it will happen naturally’…..
20th January 2013
‘There are no problems, only solutions to be found’….
5th October 2012
'when you make a mistake, look at the circumstances around it, note it, learn from it and move forward - try not to repeat it when a similar situation presents itself into your life. Learn your lessons well'.........
4th October 2012
'When old friends re-appear in your life, do not question why - just enjoy whatever it is they bring in with them - more lessons'........
3rd October 2012
'When you are feeling tranquil take a moment out to examine how peaceful every cell in your body is feeling'.......
2nd October 2012
'When the day ahead seems more of a burden than a joy, ask for help - it will be given. Do not despair'.......
1st October 2012
'Be careful what you ask for, make sure it it something that you truly need and that it is not something you only desire ... For in truth you may just get it and it may be more trouble than it is worth'...........
30th September 2012
'Remember that thoughts are living things - they are also creative. So put lots of energy into those thoughts that need to be energised and watch them become a reality'......
29th September 2012
'Let Go, Let Flow, Let GOD. Place those situations that you need help with at the feet of The Father and know you will receive the help you require'......
28th September 2012
' When taking your morning shower or bath imagine you are washing away the trials and tribulations of yesterday, that you are energising and cleansing your auric field. Try it, you will feel so much more positive as you step into each new day'........
27th September 2012
'There is an old saying that a problem shared is a problem halved - when you have a worry that will not go away try sharing it, with a family member, a friend or GOD. You will feel lighter, your problem(s) will feel less harrowing'.........
26th September 2012
'Change is inevitable, just relax and let your life unfold naturally without tension'.........
25th September 2012
'When the storm clouds gather, try to find the silver lining within each of them... do not be gloomy'......
24th September 2012
'Happy smiling faces equal happy smiling internal organs - so keep smiling even in the face of adversity'......
23rd September 2012
'One's programmes can be likened to deep grooves, and over the years they become deeper and more ingrained , becoming an integral part of one's physical being - therfore these programmes become harder to change. To progress one must bring about that change in old patterns/programmes into their very being'......
22nd September 2012
'We are programmed from birth and these programmes are what often keep us chained - in order change our lives we need to change these deeply rooted programmes'........
21st September 2012
'Some lessons may be uncomfortable, but it is only when we feel discomfort that we really grow'.........
20th September 2012
'Planet Earth is the Schoolroom, experiences we have are the lessons we have to learn - learn them well whilst you enjoying the experience'.....
18th September 2012
Count your blessing daily and then give thanks to and praise your Creator'....
17th September 2012
'Treat all those you meet on your journey with great respect for they are your teachers through the lessons they bring with them'......
16th September 2012
'Friendshipis a gift, embrace it and enjoy each moment'........