Daily Insights
Daily Insights from the Spirit Within - taken from meditations throughout 1989 onwards.
NOTE - 16.05.2012
As you are aware I set up this webpage as a result of an impulsive thought and I suddenly realised that to continue posting Daily Insights once my supply from 1989 onwards had all been posted I would have to trust in the Universe and the Universal Flow. 'Energy follows Thought'
I have always been aware of the Universal Flow and trust in its supply of what is 'needed' and not what is 'wanted'. So last night I sent out my thoughts, and a request for help and support out into the Universe stating that I had only a limited number of insights that I could post on the webpage.
Today I felt that I should go along to our local Spiritualist Church for their regular Wednesday Afternoon Clairvoyance Service. I did not question the urge and made my way to the service - and guess what? Yes, I was given a message containing the answer to my thoughts/request which I had only energised the night before. I was told that I would start to do 'Automatic Writing' and that there was a Tibetan stepping forward to help me with this project. I was so pleased to receive this news for it has been many years since this particular 'Tibetan' has made his presence felt and I am so looking forward to once again spending time within his wonderful energy and sharing his wisdom.
Of course, this is no coincidence, this was his plan all along. I suppose I needed to share my meditations from all those years ago before he could step forward to work with me once again. I had once more to show my commitment, my dedication and of course my trust in the Infinite Wisdom of our Elder Brothers and Sisters who reside in the World Beyond.
For what worth is there in words that are locked away in a dark cupboard. What a waste, for it took time and energy for him and others to draw close to me all those years ago and I foolishly shared them with no-one. Perhaps the time back then was not the right time, because I believe that everything is perfect and in its right order, so that would indicate to me that the right time for sharing these words is NOW.