ARTICLE – Good Friday – 29th March 2013
The Five Initiation taken by the Master Jesus who came to show the way to Mankind.
There have been many Sons of God who came to show Mankind the ‘Way’, today we are looking at just one of these – Jesus of Nazareth. It was almost 2,000 years ago that the Master Jesus was Crucified in Jerusalem, Palestine and it is said that he was crucified so that our sins would be forgiven – this act is the greatest sacrifice one can make for another. The truth is that he actually died as a result of his service to Mankind.
When one looks at the Life of Jesus of Nazareth once can see the Path of the Initiate – the path that all Souls, incarnate and discarnate must complete to become a ‘True Son/Daughter of God’. This is the path that each of the many ‘Saviour Gods or Sons’s of God’ had to walk Jesus was the last of these brave souls.
The first initiation is The Birth – when we look at the birth of the Master Jesus we see the symbolism of the incarnate Soul’s recognition of the Duality of its nature; of the physical aspect and the soul aspect, when it acknowledges the truth of its Divinity – the Initiate is born.
The second initiation is the Baptism – and the Baptism of Jesus is symbolic of purification, first by water – purification of the emotional nature and then by the fire of the Holy Spirit – purification of the mental aspect. From this point the initiate is able to control the mind aspect and begins his life of service and expansion. At this point of the journey other aspiring initiates will draw close to work with and aid the newly initiated soul. Deep contemplation of the reality of where one stands and the full implication of what the road ahead entails takes place. Service not Self is the guiding force. The tests will be many as will the temptations but the strength of ones love for the Creator will bring each aspirant through.
Next there is the third initiation that of Transfiguration – this is the unification of the physical (lower) self, the soul aspect and the spirit. With this initiation comes the acceptance and embracing of ones Divintiy bringing together the past, present and future - here he became at-one with the Creator and all of Creation. The physical aspect became so embued with the love and light of God and become the full embodiment of the Glory of God. At this time the physical lower nature is transmuted and disappeared so that the light of the soul/spirit alone was visable.
The fourth initiation is the Crucifixion – Prior to the last supper the Master Jesus was able to bear the pain and suffering because he was filled with the truth and love of God and knew that he was One with God, and with all Men and Women, all Souls – for he was Unified and lived and moved with in Unity Consciousness. He knew himself to both Man and God manifest in one body. The Crucifixion of the Master Jesus symbolized and brought about a New World Order where slowly Mankind has moved ever forward to a universal recognition of the Brotherhood of Man. His death was a means of allowing the true nature of the Kingdom of God to find its expression here on the Earth Plane. So for all aspiring men and women ‘Sons and Daughters of God’ the task is to Unify the lower and higher aspects of the ‘Self’; to control their emotional and mental aspects; and when we transgress we must pay the price. Whilst we act and live from the lower senses we are crucified on the Cross of Matter, once we learn to transgress no more and learn to live in Unity Consciousness, when we serve – we become saved. We do not have to suffer as the Master Jesus suffered, but can when the lessons have been learned move forward to the next initiation – Resurrection/Ascension.
The fifth initiations of Resurrection/Ascension – Here the Master Jesus rises from the tomb, rises from death but his vehicle is lighter and finer – more ethereal. He is now able to move to a higher dimension and he is able to take his physical form with him for he is now a ‘True Son of God’. He became the Cosmic Christ – Divinity or Spirit Crucified in Space.
At this time Mankind must at his time of death leave his physical form behind him traveling to the next dimension in the Soul/Spirit form. – that is until each Soul completes the tasks and initiations then at that time they too will move to the next dimension taking with them their physical/soul and spirit aspect for at this time they will be Unified. They will have achieved At-one-ment. When Mankind en-masse is ready to take the fifth initiation and Resurrect/Ascend from the old form and take on the new form it will be a wonderous sight to behold.
A few notes on the Trinity in the life of the Master Jesus
Here we take a quick look at the trinity playing throughout the life of the Master Jesus, the three wise men at his Birth. The Baptism occurred in this thirtieth year when he had mastered the physical emotional and mental aspects of the self. At the Transfiguration Jesus chose to take with him, up the hillside, three of the apostles - Peter, James and John; here the Transfiguration took place where Jesus is joined by Moses and Elias. At the Crucifixion/Resurrection – the Apostle Peter denies knowledge of Jesus three times, The Disciple Judas betrays Jesus and the Disciple Thomas doubts that he is the Risen Christ.
Diane Morgan ©. - From Bethlehem to Calvary.