2012 and Beyond (this is a piece of work that is ongoing)©
There has been so much said already about 2012, The Mayan Calander and even the writings on the walls of the Great Pyramid - all the talk has been about the end of life here on Planet Earth. From what I understand Planet Earth is only half way through its life-cycle, conditions may change here and may not support life as we now understand it to be. But as Planet Earth changes its energy field then so must we if we chose to continue living here - we must adapt. This has happened in the past and will be happening again in the future.
For me 2012 is about change, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. This should not bring about wide spread FEAR, for fear is a negative energy and is only strong when there is no light present. Remember as a child, the darkest time of the night was just before dawn and the start of another new day. So this is with the ending of one cycle and the start of a new one. Fear can not stand in the face of Light (which is Love) it merges.
Let us think about energy - For me, the 'Big Bang Theory' sits well - suddenly energy became aware of it-SELF, decided to explore it-SELF by moving out in all directions and then one day it will return to the SELF and the created worlds will cease to exist. We will call this the Creative Principle - it has many names GOD, Ascendant, Source, ONE and others. The whole of creation is energy, vibrating energy, it can not be destroyed, it can change its form and does - hence the many varied forms we see throughout creation. Each atom is in itself a Trinity - Positive, Negative and Neutral; Mother, Father and Child; Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Body, Mind and Soul. So the expanding and exploring energy of each individuated atom is still a part of the Creative Principle and carries that Divine Spark within it - this means that we are 'Co-creators' each and every one of us!!! What a responsibility we have to share, one with the other! Energy has no conscience just a desire to experience. To experience what, you may ask! For me it is to simply experience BEING. Energy is cyclic, as ice thaws and becomes water, water becomes condensation, condensation becomes a cloud, the cloud releases rain which is the water we had at the beginning of the cycle. So it is with all energy, it never dies - it takes on a new identity (manifestation), it does what is necessary and then is reabsorbed into the source. So it is possible that is what happens to our Soul energy - Reincarnation. The Hindu Religion talks about the three Guna’s - Raja’s, Tamas and Sattva. These, for me, are the three aspects of energy - positive, negative and neutral, Creator, Maintainer and Destroyer. When we call on one of the energies in thought or action we must remember that we are calling on pure energy and that energy does not differentiate between good and evil, positive or negative – it just carries out the task it was called to fulfil. Each new creation uses these three energies - we think (Creator) and make our thoughts a reality; we nurture our new creation (Maintainer) for as long as we require it; then when we have outgrown what we created and desire to change it, we do so by moving our energy into a new creation (the Destroyer). We have to break down each of our old creations to make way for the new creations. Does that make sense to you? This also makes us responsible for what we bring into our lives be it in the home, workplace or in our social lives. We are powerful Creators of our own reality and lives. We create in every moment, with every new choice/decision - we creat harmony or chaos........ Nothing happens without reason, try not to judge your experiences as positive/negative, good/bad.. just be in the moment and learn from the experience.
So, here we are, each of an aspect of the Divine Creative Principle, now an individuated Soul having an experience – journeying in our physical vehicle on Planet Earth which is the schoolroom of the Soul. This is where we incarnate to learn the lessons we have chosen to learn, or not, as the case may be. This is where we grow into the realisation that we are in truth ‘Divine’ and really do not need to be here at all, but as we are, we need to hold the light of love and help other to realise that they are also ‘Divine’, also aspects of the ‘Divine Creative Principle’.
Much has been said about the future of Planet Earth and Humankind after 21st December, 2012. In truth no one in a physical body at this time knows what truly awaits us, so it is unwise to live in the fear of not knowing. It is wise to remain positive and know that whatever the outcome is, you, as an eternal Soul will survive death, you may or may not continue to experience ‘life’ here on Planet Earth. You may have to return to the Source, the Divine Creative Principle, or the World of Spirit as it is often called. One certainty is that your Soul will continue to experience life somewhere in the energy field of the manifested universe. It may be that life will continue on as it does at this moment in time on Planet Earth, but I am sure that each of you must see the necessity for change. Our social structure is failing to support us, spiritually and economically and the inhabitants of our beautiful planet are in a state of despair. This is where the change needs to take place. It is time for humanity to recognise their divine nature and take full responsibility for their actions. It is now time to recognise that if we hurt others we are hurting ourselves.
Greed and Control are the ruling forces behind life here on our planet at this moment in time. Greed and Control is holding power over the whole of the planet; the economical state of being, the spiritual state of being for the whole of humanity is under the control of a few powerful, wealthy beings and institutions. For change to take place, change needs to happen within the psyches of the powerful few.
A well known saying is that 'You can not change any one other than yourself, but if you change yourself then you change your world'. This is so true, because once you become grounded and positive, then your environment becomes positively energised. I guess you know about the 100th Monkey Effect - well, for those who do not it relates to a supposed change, when a new behavioural pattern is learned by a group of monkeys this change instantaneously spreads to all monkeys once a critical mass is achieved. So, if this is the case, if enough of mankind make positive changes in their behavioual patterns then once critical mass is achieved the whole of humanity should adapt. A beautiful thought!! Let us try this, let us actively participate in bringing in change and destroying the greed and control that surrounds us now.
Now is the right time, right here and now, for each of us who are open to the prospect of helping the planet and bringing in the desired changes by stepping into the positive energies of light and love to help to bring about the necessary changes to herald in the new cycle without any further ado. It can not do any harm, it can only make things here on our beautiful but troubled planet easier and happier and lighter.
By doing this we are actively helping and not idly standing by feeling useless and out of control. It is possible that this simple act will bring about the necessary change to ensure continued life, as we know it, here on Planet Earth.
Become the 'Co-Creator' that you are, join your brothers and sisters who are also of 'light and love' in the work at hand.
2012 and Beyond - Looking at the Great Year
Great / Platonic Year
11/05/2012 20:11———