When the load seems heavy....

26/02/2021 15:52

When the load seems heavy - do not give up, just try to remember that your Soul will support you through these times. It is so easy to take onboard more than one is able to carry or cope with. If the going gets too tough, leaving one feeling that failure looms ahead, just ask for help - straight out ask the Universe to send forth that which is required to finalise the weighty project. If it is not possible to complete the task alone, then it is perfectly in order to ask for someone to come forth to help, to carry some of the load, sharing and delegating shows wisdom and if done correctly it should be free from egotism. Trust that the Soul will normally only bring forth that which it feels one can handle. If one finds that they have 'bitten off' more than they can handle, it is more than likely that the Ego and not the Soul aspect led one into this situation/project. Better to realise this and make the necessary changes rather than allow pride to come into play bringing in it's wake a 'big fall'. Always remember that pride comes before a fall, there is no shame in making changes and accepting that help was needed or a change of direction necessary to save the day. Blessed Be.  PAX.
