'Unstuck – Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression'

02/07/2012 19:35



'Unstuck – Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression' by James S. Gordon, MD

ISBN 978-1-84850-239-0  -  Price: £12.99   www.hayhouse.co.uk


Many people suffer from depression at some point in their lives and no doubt reflexology practitioners will have patients, friends and colleagues who do so.  This book offers a simple seven-stage program to help those suffering using various techniques including food and nutritional supplements, Chinese medicine, movement, exercise and dance, psychotherapy, mediation and guided imagery, and spiritual practice.  Dr Gordon believes that depression in not an end point, a disease over which we have not control.  Instead it is a sign that our lives are out of balance, that we’re stuck.  This book offers ideas to help find a way out of depression.   
