th August 2012 - Potential Growth

11/10/2012 21:57


30th August 2012 -  Potential Growth

Greetings, dear one, a new day dawns and with it a new set of situations awaiting your attention – you are not the only incarnating soul who is doing just this; it is the same for each and every soul now in the physical body. For within each of these situations lies the potential for growth, bringing in it's wake movement and change. This is good and is necessary – stagnation being stuck in a groove and patterns of experience is not helpful and delay's growth. So embrace each new situation as you would a loved one, take it to your heart and allow it to be part of your being. Then once you have moved through the situation, worked with the lessons attached to it, learned these lessons well,  move forward leaving it behind you for you have done with that situation all that is possible and all that was required of you. If you are greeted by a situation that is beyond you and help and support is needed – call on those who work with you and who reside on the higher levels to draw close to guide you. Sometimes you will have to walk away from a situation for it can not be worked out fully, this is the right thing to do – for it will re-present itself at a later date when the energies and circumstances around the situation have changed and then you can move forward and complete the challenges and lessons therein.

It is important that you do not take these daily challenges personally, although they are personal on one level, the physical – they are not at Soul level (at this level they are just lessons, experiences we have drawn to us to learn and grow from). Try to stand back from them, just a little - look upon them in a more detached manner as if it were happening to someone else, it may then be easier to work with and through what is presenting itself to you. Once you move forward it is necessary to leave what has been completed behind you – for that is where it belongs, in the past which has gone. It is not needed in the NOW and the future is still the unknown part of the dream, or of life. Blessings. PAX. ©
