Service - Not Self.....
10/02/2021 21:24Service - Not Self, it is a natural instinct to think first of oneself and then of others. It comes from that very basic instinct we call survival, survival of the self and then survival of the species. Humanity is by nature 'self-centred', this does not necessarily mean 'selfish'. For if one does not look out for the 'self' then one is often unable to achieve targets set. For instance, a mother needs to be well nourished and rested to care for her offsprings, so she needs to make sure that she gets enough food to eat, water to drink and sleep to be rested enough to care and provide for her offsprings. This is not being 'selfish', this is being 'sensible'. On the other hand, if the mother neglects her duties to 'herself' she, by default, neglects her duties as a 'mother' in her lack of personal responsibility, therefore, her selfishness would lead to a dereliction of her duty and is seen as 'selfish'. The lesson is that one needs to look after oneself to be able to be able to look after others and to be of service. Being of service to others is not to be a servant and serve, it is to be a support, to help, perhaps even to lead at some time. There are many whom are called to be of service, spiritually, but not all of those called are able to put 'service' before 'self', they are unable to put the ego to oneside and actually be of real service. Service requires one to be selfless, putting to one side all desires and dreams, performing tasks without praise, without broadcasting to others the tasks carried out and fulfilled. There is a great need at this time for those who are of stout heart and soul to step out, stand up and be counted, their help and support is needed. Sometimes, one only needs to smile and share the time of day to be of service, other times it may need more than one feels able to give, one must trust the higher self, the soul, at these times. Are you ready to be that person who goes the extra mile, are you ready to be of service. Listen to the 'still small voice within' and follow its bidding. Blessed Be. Pax.