04/06/2012 19:04



CHAKRA'S (Wheel/Energy Vortex)

Samyana (meditation) upon the Sun will give knowledge of the Seven World - the seven chakra's located within the body along the spinal column – gives us knowledge of our masculine side.

Sun corresponds to our Masculine energy / Yang / Solar Plexus / Ego / self esteem / confidence / sympathetic Nervous System. Sun = Surya / fire.


Samyana (meditation) upon the Moon will give us knowledge of our feminine side.

Moon corresponds with female energy / Yin / Lunar Plexus in the cerebrum / intuition / unconscious mind / emotions / calming / parasympathetic Nervous System . Moon = Chandra / water.


Samyana (meditation) upon the Cosmos – The Stars and the Planets will bring insight.


Sa  Samyana (meditation) upon the following Chakra's:

  • Crown – Sahasrara (white/violet/gold) The Thousand Petalled Lotus Flower – peace, creativity, bliss. Pineal Gland, Eltimate Unity/Enlightenment.

  • Third Eye – Ajna (ingido/purple) – true wisdom, perfect intuition, clairvoyance. Governs pituitary gland, lower brain and nervous system. Detachment,stability.

  • Throat – Vishudda (blue) – verbal expression of higher knowledge. Blockages result in stammering, lump in throat, difficulty in expressing self.

  • Heart – Anahata (pink/green) – love, compassion, humanitarianism via Soul. Blockages affect heart and circulation.

  • Solar Plexus – Manipura (yellow) – digestive system, self assertion, willpower. Adverse – anger and digestive problems

  • Sacral Plexus – Svadhistana (orange) – instincts to survive, reproductive system, adverse qualities are greed, lust, envy.

  • Base- Muladhara (red/brown)- survival, bodily eliminations, physical strength and stability, adverse quality fear.



Focusing on the breath is in itself a form of meditation.

One Complete Breath:

  • Focus on the Breath

  • Inhale for the count of 6

  • hold for the count of 3 (antara kumbhaka)

  • Exhale for the count of 6

  • Hold for the count of 3 (bahya kumbhaka)

  • The mind is focused on the breath and is in preparation for meditation.

  • When the breath is still, everything is still.


  • then Inhale and begin again

  • Do this for three cycles before commencing your daily workout (as your practice becomes more grounded the timing of the breath can be increased – you will know when the time is right). Listen to your 'Inner Self'.


DARHANA - Concentration

When using the breath as a form of meditation then just keep repeating the complete breath cycle and focus on the breath only.

  • When focusing on the breath this is called 'Concentration on the Breath'. If a thought pops into your mind allow it pass through, do not allow your attention to wander into the thought, but also – do not fight the thought. Allow it to be and focus again on the breath.

  • This is a very powerful form of meditation and brings about relaxation and allows the body to go about its work of healing and energising the physical vehicle

  • It also facilitates the 'going within' process that leads us to that stronger connection with our Soul – 'The God Within'.

  • Another powerful yet simplistic meditation is to use the AUM/OM as your focus once the breath has taken into that place of inner connection, calm and healing. You will around the AUM/OM on the Exhalation and will note that the exhalation breath can be much longer than normal.

  • AUM/OM - It is very beneficial and empowering to focus on the symbol AUM/OM whilst meditating.

  • Sounding the Aum/Om whilst focusing on each individual chakra is also powerful for cleansing and balancing.



Who is in the Fire

Who is in the Water

Who is in the Plants and Trees

Who is in all things

In this vast creation

Unto that Spirit

Be Glory.

Svetasvatara Upanishad
