It is not too late....
13/02/2021 22:47it is not too late, there is still time for humanity to wake up and take better care of this wonderful planet we call home. Those who call themselves our leaders think only of themselves, their needs, their Agendas, they do not have the welfare of those they are supposed to serve, or the planet we live upon, at heart. Our planet has been stripped of its inner wealth; gold, silver, other metals, diamonds, crystals and minerals, as well as oil and gas. Whilst on the surface we cut down huge swathes of jungles daily, trees, plants and wild-life alike disappear. Let's not forget that these jungles were also home to a variety of creatures who are running out of safe havens to live. So many healing plants are destroyed that could heal humanity in a natural way, instead we have to rely upon chemical medicines made for profit. Animals are often inhumanely farmed to keep us feed, or overfed, there is so much obesity today, yet there is also so much hunger and poverty. Humanity needs to take a good look at its lifestyles, to count the cost to Mothet Earth for the way life is lived, for she allows us to share in her bounty. Just imagine how humanity would feel if their bodies were treated so harshly. We, the people of this beautiful planet need to take the time to look closely at the way they live and recognise that they are heavily programmed to be keep the wheels of consumerism rolling. We have became wasteful, we eat too much, we have far more possessions than we need - for these possessions, our fancy lifestyles, make us think we are happy. Everything is out of balance. There has to be a better, simpler way to live where everyone is cared for, no one goes hungry, and all are equal. There is! One day humanity will achieve this utopian lifestyle instead of the dystopian one we are currently heading towards. It is not too late Brothers and Sisters. Blessed Be. Pax.