In truth we are all Children of the Creator of all Life. ........
22/05/2017 22:48
20th May 2017
Greetings dear child. For in truth we are all Children of the Creator of all Life. Commitment and discipline will have to become, once more, the focus of your day to day activities. For, without discipline chaos breeds and no progress is made. Commitment and discipline come with a price – all things come with a price of some kind, some require an energetic kind that is purely time, energy and space, whilst others extract a payment of what you know as monetary. There always needs to be an exchange of energy at some level to maintain balance. Balance is needed – approach all things in a balanced way, do not get embroiled by becoming too positive or too negative, acknowledge the polarities but remain balanced in your approach. It is good and wise to be able to see all aspects of any given situation and recognise the hand of the Father working on all levels, helping all the individuated aspects of the God Head to experience and grow. Try not to be judgemental of another’s approach to life for each is playing out their part in the Cosmic Dance/Drama. Blessings. PAX. ©.