In my prayers....
06/03/2021 10:06In my prayers. We are in need of a mass awakening for those indwelling souls who are crying out in the darkness and are not being heard. Humanity appears to have forgotten that they are first and foremost an eternal aspect of that Source which we call by many names, God, Allah, the One, the Ascendant, Creation or Creator, Universal Mind and more. Most of humanity identifies only with their physical vehicle and are totally ignorant of their 'true self', the indwelling soul. I am praying for the Light of the Love of that energy which one deems to sit at the Centre of Creation to become omnipresent in the hearts and minds of those living in darkness and fear. I pray they awaken to know the truth and in doing so save humanity from the dystopian future planned by the power of darkness. Remember always that 'darkness' can not stand firm in the face of the 'light' as we are shown with coming of each dawn and the rising of the sun. Truth will prevail. Blessed Be. Pax. ©️.