07/02/2021 23:49Fellowship - when one thinks of fellowship one's thoughts automatically go in the direction of the church, but fellowship is not only a result of people coming together for organised worship. Fellowship is the very backbone of any community where groups of people, with the same agenda's come together and work side by side. There is strength and honour within any fellowship when those who are a part of the said fellowship are in harmony, they become invincible, nothing or no-one can stop them from successfully achieving their goals. The inner strength of any fellowship holds so much power whilst all those who have come together stand firm, but if there is dissention at any time then this wonderful power of solidarity will dissipate. There is a great need at this time for people to come together in fellowship, to stand together in fellowship. To stand together firmly with a common goal to hold back the energy of darkness and the divisions of people that abounds. A darkness which plans to control and to take away one's God given right of Freedom. Those of darkness wish to drive the bright light of the Creator from within each individual. Through coming together in fellowship one can stand firm in the Light and Love and Power which is their birthright. For on must never lose sight of the truth that we are Divine Spark of life, we are Children of the One Creator. Together all those who work within the Light and Love will overcome the darkness that threatens, by coming together in 'fellowship'; united within their need to overcome the darkness and return to the light, which is their true nature. At source we are all Enlightened, as aspects of the One Creator, we have forgotten this fact. It is now time to 'awaken' and reclaim our birthright. Blessed Be. PAX.©.