Faith and determination....
22/02/2021 23:30Faith and determination together can achieve what sometimes appears to be un-achievable. Have faith in your dreams, desires and ambitions, especially those which remain firm within your mind and heart. Trust in the power of the dweller within, your Soul, remember always that first and foremost you are a Soul, a powerful, spiritual entity of Light and Love. As a Soul, to experience life on the Earth plane a physical vehicle, the body, is essential, but one should never lose sight of the reality that one is wearing a physical body but that one is much more than that physicality. Your Soul has come to Earth with a plan, an agenda, a blueprint, so OK, nothing is written in blood, but it could be written in pencil to allow for small changes to occur. The indwelling Soul would like to achieve all that has been outlined in the blueprint, unfortunately, the Ego gets in the way, always thinking it knows what's best, overriding the needs of the Soul, often walking away from the true path set by the Soul. When this happens, oftentimes, things will go wrong, this is the time to listen to and follow the inspiration being fed to you by the still small voice of the indwelling Soul. If someone or something is meant to be a part of your journey it will be so, trust, have faith but also recognise the signs if things are going against your blueprint. There is no harm in following a dream or desire but please learn to read the signs, is it driven by the Ego or by the Soul. If difficulties abound it may be time to let go, let flow and change direction, that is not being defeatist, that is being wise. Blessed Be. Pax.©.