Easter Sunday
08/04/2012 10:23
Easter Sunday - 08.04.2012
As I sit here at my computer, wandering into corners of my mind long forgotten, I suddenly realise that I have travelled far in this life-time. It is almost as though I have let go of all the information I have gathered over the thirty plus years of my searching for the 'truth' that I felt was 'my truth' and made me who I am. I, like so many before me would fight for my belief system, possibly even die!
Now, I try to stand in each passing moment and I to let those pre-conceived thoughts and ideals go - for they, in themselves, are the cause of personal judgementality. One does not need to defend who they are and what they believe in, all one needs to do is to stand firm in the reslove that 'I AM THAT I AM' and believe in ones heart/mind that everything, in every moment, is perfect.
There is just energy and energy has no conscience it will react to any impulse, without thought or judgement, it is always in the moment. Once we start to think about a situation all our old judgements come into play and these then colour our thinking. What we need to do is to stand in the 'NOW', the moment, every moment and learn to react spontaneously. We need to learn to feel the truth of things in our heart, body,mind and soul. Remember that action always follows thought, so take care in what you think - for even if you do not carry out the deed the thought will have flown into the ether and will reach its target....
Do not mistake the brain with the mind for their functions are totally different. The brain is an aspect of the physical vehicle, the body and it's function is to work in tandem with the ego which keeps one chained to earthly concerns. The mind is part of the eternal self, the Soul and it's function is to help you on the journey of your return to the Creator, the Oneness, the Source, the Ascendant, GOD the Father. So take time each day and connect with that 'Still Small Spark of The Divine' that lives within - your Soul, allow your Soul to sit at the head of your 'internal' board meetings (your thought processes) and your journey will be easier and fruitful.