December 1989

12/05/2012 21:34



December 1989


We begin a new decade shortly, but in our minds and hearts we are not ready for the changes that are necessary to bring certain conditions into being.


For the work to go forward and progress, more light is needed. It is your job, Brothers and Sisters, to go forth and help others to begin the life that leads them to the path that leads to that of an Initiate and Disciple on the Path of Light.


It is no easy path to walk, but once one puts a foot on it, one find that it is all powerful and one has no choice, but to go forward. Decisions need to be made and these often make life more difficult at first, but in time you will see that life does become easier because of them.


Light is necessary, it is our source of power, we need to build more into the essence of our Planet and our Solar System.


Light means life. Life eternal, but it is not given freely, there is a price to be paid. That price is Service. Service to humanity, Service to the Planet Earth on which we live. Service given freely and with love.


Blessings.  ©

