
04/06/2017 21:00
28th May 2017
Greetings dear One. Communication from mind to mind is not something that occurs widely upon Planet Earth, it takes great faith to trust the words that flow as the pen moves across the page – when one is totally unaware of the next word , the next sentence. We thank you for having faith and placing your trust in us. So far, there has been nothing shared that has been harmful, or that would cause pain – this will continue to be how we communicate. For our mission is to spread the energy of Love and Light upon the face of Planet Earth, to plant seeds that need to be nurtured and studied. We can not interfere because of the ‘Law of Freewill’ but we can share our understanding of the nature of ‘Life’ and hopefully, can help our Brothers and Sisters to move forward and to help them to prepare for the changes that lie ahead. For the time is close when many Souls will be given the opportunity to move from live within  the third dimension to life in the fourth. This is what is called ‘Ascension’. What lies ahead is illumination and enlightenment. Our blessings go forth to all our Brothers and Sisters in the Light. Blessings. PAX. ©.