'Be the Light that you are'
23/01/2016 10:2423rd January 2016
Please remember that you are not just your physical form which has a mental body and an emotional body, you are in truth the indwelling Soul. Each Soul incarnate and discarnate is an aspect of God, the Prime Creator at the centre of the manifested world and also the un-manifested potential yet to be brought forth. Remember that all of life is vibrational and that the Sound that God sends forth is responsible for that which is created. Therefore, we who are incarnated upon Mother Earth, the Lady Gaia must accept full responsibility for our creations, as Children of God, for all we create with our thoughts and words - each being vibrational and therefore holding the power to create. Stop laying the blame outside of oneself, placing it at the feet of others. It is time for all Souls now incarnate to accept their potential and become responsible creators who work with Light and Love. OM MANE PADME HUM.... Blessings PAX. ©.