04/07/2012 22:37
Firstly, let's take a look at the word and break it down:
Aroma – therapy. Aroma means fragrance, smell and
Therapy means treatment to help the body with the healing process.
Aromatherapy uses the fragrances of a variety of plants, these fragrances are in fact the essential oils of the plants. This essential oil is in fact the life force, the energy or soul of the plant, as plants like all living things from human beings to the planet itself all have this electo-magnetic energy field. It is a force that is normally not seen with the physical eye or felt by the physical body, but is seen by Clairvoyants, felt by Healers and has been photographed using a system known as Kirlian Photography. So this energy field is very real. A strong, vibrant energy fields means good health and a weak energy field means poor health. Essential oils are known as phyto-hormes and are the nearest thing to our own hormones which is why they have the ability to help our bodies balance and heal them selves.
Aromatic oils have been used throughout history for at least 2,000 years before Christ, they were used by the Egyptians, Chines, Greeks and Romans. Many of these essential oils were costly, today the majority of them are within the each of most pockets. The more common ones are quite inexpensive. Always make sure that you purchase Pure Essential Oils as these are the therapeutic oils.
As we all know, our body is covered by skin which is of course waterproof, its function is to keep our body fluid locked in and everything else locked out. This is correct, but the phyto-hormones found in the essential oils have the ability of being able to penetrate the skin via the extra-cellular liquids and are then absorbed by the blood and lymphatic systems – enabling them to do their work.
Essential oils have three classifications, or notes – top, middle and base. These denote the rate of evaporation.
Top notes are fast acting, quick to evaporate and are the most uplifting and stimulating to both body and mind
Middle notes are only moderately volatile and normally affect the bodily functions, ie digestion, metabolism, menstruation.
Base notes are sedating and relaxing and are slower to evaporate and when mixed with a high note will hold it back (slow the process down).
Aromatherapy is about prevention of illness, by regularly using essential oils the body is able to relax and therefore, helps the body to strengthen it's immune system and help to keep the body in good health. There are many ways in which one is able to use these wonderful healing oils, using them in oils during a body massage is one way, or just a simple all over body rub, they can be added to the bathwater, used in inhalations and can be warmed on an oil burner.
When used in a body massage it is wise not to use more than 10 – 15 drops of essential per person per week, depending on body mass. The smaller the person the smaller the dose. Take care not to use too much as it is possible to overdose on these phyto-hormones. Essential oils are to be added to a good quality 100% pure unrefined carrier oil such as avocado, hazelnut, grapeseed, olive,sweet almond, calendula and others. A good basic carrier oil is grapeseed and adding to this some wheatgerm will give your blend a good shelf life. Never use Baby Oil as this is mineral based and will not penetrate the skin.
Mixing a blend for Massage / Body Rub – Use 50mls of carrier oil ( 5mls of grapeseed and 5 mls of wheatgerm) and then add your choice of essential oils, 15 – 30 drops. This blend will have a shelf life of a few months when stored in a dark brown bottle in a cool place.
Recipe for a blend for Nervous Tension – To be added to 50mls of Carrier Oil
No. 1 - 4 drops Basil (Top Note – uplifting and refreshing), 4 drops Juniper (Middle Note – refreshing, stimulating and relaxing), 4 drops Lavender (Middle Note – refreshing, relaxing and therapuetic) and 4 drops of Ylang Ylang (Base Note – relaxing ).
No. 2 - 6 Lavender and 12 Ylang Ylang.
Recipe for a blend for Muscular Aches and Pains – To be added to 50mls of Carrier Oil
8 drops of Eucalyptus (Top Note - Head clearing), 8 drops of Rosemary (Middle Note - Invigorating and refreshing), and 12 drops of Sage (Top Note – Decongestant/circulatory).
Add 1 drop off essential oil to a little near boiling water no more than 6 drops of essential oil – then hold head over water and inhale, it may be more effective if you cover your head with a cloth, or you could place 6 drops onto a handkerchief.
Place 5 – 8 drops of essential oil onto a suitable burner.
Add 4 – 8 drops onto the surface of the water just before getting into the bath and mix it into the water. Alternatively make up a bath oil using suitable vegetable oil and add no more than 50 drops of essential oil to 50 mls of carrier oil, pour no more than a teaspoon of your bath oil into the bath water.
There are many good books to be purchased on the subject of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils if you are interested in learning more about the subject. It can be fun making up blends to use on yourself and family but do follow the guidelines with care. There are also good courses available.
Diane Morgan ©