9th May 2014 - Ask and you shall receive.

28/05/2014 19:14

9th May 2014 - Ask you shall receive.

Greetings dear child. ‘Ask and you shall receive’, be clear in what you ask for, do not vacilate – be focused and true in your asking. One pointed focus, do not deviate and your invocation will be made manifest for you are a Child of the Universe and the Universal life forces will support you at all times. These forces do have a conscience, they do not discriminate, do not judge actions as good, bad or indifferent. These forces just follow up on invocations , (prayers and thoughts) making them manifest. There is a saying – ‘Be careful what you ask for – for it may you may just get it’! It is time for humanity to grasp the reality that they, their own thoughts, create reality. It is time to use the power of thought wisely, to learn to co-operate and to co-create harmony on the Earth Plane, bot Chaos. The power and the potential to realise Heaven on Earth lies within each member of the human race, it is time for each incarnate Soul to awaken and embrace this truth. When this happens change, rapid change will take place. Do not make your invocations ones of self-gain, wealth etc,  invoke the light, love and power of the One-ness, of God, to pervade each heart and mind of mankind. Start this evolution of change within and watch it spread across the face of the planet – for light and love is highly infectious – start this process of change NOW, today! Blessings. PAX. ©.
