9th March 2013 - Loved Ones are just a Thought Away.
26/03/2013 20:22
9th March 2013 - Loved Ones are just a Thought Away.
Greetings dear child, lift up your heart and mind in love and light. Send out your loving thoughts to those you have loved who have gone before you to the Home World of Spirit. Remember those who loved ones are just a thought away – thought being reality, it is as though they are in another room, or even another land and for the present time it is not possible to join with them in the physical but there us nothing (except yourself and your understanding) which can stop being with them energetically with your Soul aspect. When you call out to them in love they feel the essence of that love, they feel your joys and sadness, they will return your love ten-fold and embrace you in loving, healing light. That is why after sending out our thoughts to the World of Spirit and to the God Force each of us feel calmer, more positive stronger and loved, capable of continuing the journey knowing that we do not journey alone. Lift up your heart and mind today and every day and embrace those who love you and who are only a thought away. Blessings. PAX. ©.