9th July 2014 - Be One.

28/07/2014 20:27
9th July 2014 - Be One.
Greetings dear child. Be one with nature, sit and blend with the trees, flowers and find peace as you dwell in their beauty and serenity. Meditate upon a simple flower, upon its form, its strength and its beauty – it just ‘IS’, it does not toil or labour, it relies upon the bounty of the Creative Principle to being forth what it needs to survive and when its cycle is over it slowly fades and decays as its spirit form departs. What did it achieve, at first glance one would say nothing – but that is not so,  its purposes were many and it played its part by being of service to the insect kingdom and also to the human kingdom. Insects – bees and others fed of its nectar, the pollen. It gave humanity beauty to gaze upon and it may have helped some to tune into their connection to the one-ness. All aspects of Creation have a path to walk, their part to play, no matter how small it is in the greater scheme of htings, it is an important part. All of creation, each aspect plays in the Great Cosmic Dance. Think upon the animal, vegetable, mineral and crystal kingdoms and the service they carry out in the support of the human kingdom. It is time for the human kingdom to become responsible aspects of creation and play its part as protectors and supporters of life in its myriad forms – not to continue as mindless destroyers. Ponder on these words, they contain much that is veiled. Blessings. PAX. ©.