9th February, 2013 - Responsibility.
27/02/2013 22:50
9th February, 2013 - Responsibility.
Greetings dear one, responsibility is a part of life’s wonder and lessons. Each aspiring Soul, in fact all incarnating Souls must be and of course are responsible for each and every one of their actions and thoughts. The more they understand the reasons behind life on Planet Earth the more responsibility they carry. Love of ones fellow traveler is most important, be they family, friend or one who transgresses or hurts. Forgiveness is necessary for growth to take place, so forgive the transgressor and move forward - that is our advice to each and all. Two wrongs do not make a right, the do not heal a situation but make it worse. So forgive and then take care if and when the transgressor enters the stage at any future time – remember what occurred earlier and be aware – let not your guard be lowered. Remember dear child – every new moment brings with it an opportunity to choose. This gives each incarnating soul much power, it allows each one to change the direction they are currently traveling, it will change what happens next. Take control of your destiny, even when it appears that you have no control – remember that even the smallest change in outlook or of attitude will make a difference. Responsibility for what occurs must be your and must not be seen or become a burden – it must be recognized as a joy, as a joyous gift. We are but a thought away, call on us and we will respond – ours is to help and serve those who choose to grow in light and love. Blessing. PAX. ©