8th May 2014 - What Matters?

27/05/2014 19:13

8th May 2014 - What Matters?

Greetings dear child. It matters not what man has written, what matters is that which resides within the heart of each who is incarnate. Words are finite and can hold both truth and non-truth, what one experiences at Soul level is infinite and impossible to clothe in words for there are no words that adequately explain what is found within the Silence. Does it in truth matter how the human species evolved on the Earth Plane? Does it matter if the human species have been hybrid-ised by life-forms from other Planets? What matters is that the Soul, at this time has chosen to manifest upon the Earth Plane using the physical form which is pure matter to explore and experience its being-ness. The Soul/Spirit energy joins with the matter of the physical form and a new life begins, adding  its experience to the One-ness. Life is a great gift – Mother Earth, Gaia, freely offers to support the experience of each who visits her – unconditionally. Some who visit treat her with love and respect whilst others abuse and hurt her, but still she allows each to grow and to explore - yet another of God’s gifts, Freewill. Look deeply into the heart centre, live the love each of you are and see the changes that will be brought forth. Blessings. PAX. ©.
