8th July 2014 - The Word.

27/07/2014 22:26
8th July 2014 -The Word.
Greetings dear child. In the beginning the Word was with God and the Word was God., this was before the start of Creation of the Cosmos. The Cosmos is Mother/Father God, pure spiritual energy experiencing itself in a myriad of forms, each having divine  intelligence, each being a clothed aspect of the Divine. Each Planet, Sun, Moon, each plant, animal, mineral are all Divine aspects of Mother/Father God, living, moving and having its being within the Mind of the One. Harm one aspect and one harms the whole. It will be a great day when the whole of humanity embrace this truth, that will be the day that the whole of humanity embraces maturity and take their place as responsible aspect of the One – Mother/Father God. For each aspect of creation is the child aspect, the form appearance within the three dimensional reality – the third aspect of the Trinity that underlies all things. Humanity must realise this truth of One-ness, it must stop its negative ways and must move into its rightful place as positive, creative aspects of divinity. This is the Will of the Lord our God. Blessings. PAX. ©.