8th January 2015 - The Path of Soul Growth.

07/02/2015 22:59
8th January 2015 - The Path of Soul Growth.
Greetings dear child. The Path of Soul Growth which leads one from the darkness into light, for illusion to reality and from death to immortality is not an easy path to walk, but once the lower aspect of man had heard clearly the call of the Soul within, the ‘real self’, then there is no choice – the journey commences. Slowly but surely, lifetime after lifetime the search for truth and understanding becomes the driving force behind each incarnation. Experiences become lessons leading to truth and understanding, for one’s reality comes from within, from one’s personal experiences which lead to understanding. As the seeker gains more understanding so the small point of light within grows ever brighter, ever stronger and will draw others of like minds into communion. The small point of light is the true Son of God, the Soul/Spirit aspect and its goal is ‘Enlightenment’ and it will, when given the chance, be single minded, one pointed and focused on this task. Ponder upon these words. Blessings. PAX. ©.