7th October 2012 - The Journey

14/11/2012 20:07


7th October 2012 - The Journey

Greetings, once again, dear child. Be as a small child when you enter into the silence, go with no expectations, an open heart and mind, have faith in your own soul. These things are not hard to achieve and are all we ask of you. Remember those times, when you were a child, when you were actively reaching our to the father and to Jesus – The Christ. Sundays were such a joy when you sat and listened and absorbed all you could from the scriptures and stores that the Sunday School Teachers shared with you. Remember well, the summers spent in the marquee that the members of Apostolic Church erected, where for a few weeks each summer you sat totally lost in the events that took place over 2,000 years ago but seemed so alive and real to you. You so loved and valued the small tokens given – a verse from the Holy Bible on a book marker, or a small booklet containing one of the books from the New Testament. Such was the wonder and your faith at that time, such was the foundation of your faith today. School also helped to build this foundation – History, Geography and Religious Instruction were three of your favourite classes. Egypt and the Holy Land were very real and peopled with characters you felt you knew – remember Khufu, Prince of the Nile! Much searching and much questioning has taken place over the many years since those days we have spoken of but your love for the Father and for his Son Jesus has never wavered and has grown stronger with the passage of time. Your understanding has changed as your knowledge has increased – where you stand today is on firm ground, your foundation is strong and unshakable. You embrace no single religion but see the ‘Truth’ within all of mankind’s religions. You walk the ‘middle path’ of the Buddha embracing the Light and you walk the Path of Love as taught by Jesus, the Christ. Continue to share your understanding, please. Continue also to follow the dictates of your higher self and not the dictates of those around you. Be as that small child – place your hand in the hand of the Creator and those Masters – the Buddha, the Christ along with their Heirarchy of Masters and your continued spiritual growth is assured. Allow the Light and the Love to lead you forward, one step at a time. Allow your inner light to shine forth. Blessings, dear child, Blessings. PAX. ©
