7th November 2012 - Judgement
29/11/2012 10:26
7th November 2012 - Judgement
Greetings, dear child, greetings. Let us take a look at the action of making a judgement. One should try to embrace the opposite aspect of the energy by being non-judgemental, for how is it possible to judge any situation without being privy to each aspect of the dynamics, without knowing all aspects of its creation, There is an old American Indian Proverb which says ‘Do not judge me until you have walked for at least one day in my moccasins’. So true, until you know what has occurred in the lives of each player, what has formed them and what driving forces continue to drive them, it is not possible to understand the dynamics of any situation. Therefore, making a judgement is a wasted energy. If you find yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable it is for you to use your ‘freewill’, it is for you to choose either to remain and become a player in the ongoing action(s) or depart taking your electro-magnetic energy with you. In every moment of everyday all incarnating souls have to choose, have to make a decision, this decision will form what is attracted into future moments and so the cycle continues. Choose well, try to remain non-judgemental and embrace each new situation with open-ness, knowing you are in control simply because you have the gift of freewill – you can choose – work with the new situation or walk away from it.
Blessings. PAX. ©