6th April 2014 - Re-energise.
25/04/2014 21:156th April 2014 - Re-energise.
Greetings dear one. It is time to re-energise the physical form – it grows dull through the long winter months. Walk bare foot upon the grass, blend with the energies of your Beloved Mother Earth. Sit on the grass with your back to a tree and feel your auric field become energised – just breath in the beauty that surrounds you as a breath and also with your eyes. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a garden, some live in cities and high rise buildings cut off from the energies flowing across the face of the Earth Plane. If you are one of these then take time out and find your way to a local park or take a ride into the surrounding countryside. Regenerate, rejuvenate and heal your energy field –bring it back to its vital energetic state. Walk briskly, hop, skip and jump – or do a little Qi-gong to help to re-energise the physical form and auric field. The long winter months often take their toll but this can soon be put right. Remember you are a child of the Universe and need to be energised by the Universal forces. Start today, be one with all creation. Blessings. PAX. ©.