6th April 2013- Time Marches On

24/04/2013 17:52


6th April 2013- Time Marches On

Greetings dear one, time marches on, days pass swiftly by and it feels as though life is passing one by and that nothing is being achieved. This is not so, do not despair. For in every interaction that occurs, no matter how small growth is possible, It is in the words and the deeds one chooses to use within each day that one sees movement and growth. It is within the smallest act of compassion filled with love that one serves ones fellowman. One does not have to go out into the world and achieve greatness to be of service. One needs only to hold out a hand in friendship and support. Therein lies true spirituality – therein lies true service. It is good to remember the saying ‘Do unto others as you would have done to oneself’, follow these words and all will be well. Truthfulness and Harmlessness should become the cornerstones of your life, for walking this path leads to spiritual empowerment. Ponder on these wonders and embody those two energies – speak only the Truth and Harm none. Blessings. PAX. ©.
