5th September 2012 – Communication
16/10/2012 19:19
5th September 2012 – Communication
Greetings, dear one. Communication between the two planes of being comes in different ways. The higher mental communication is just that – words appear in the mind of the incarnating soul, that is how we communicate with you. In the early days our communication would begin with an internal visual contact and words would be heard as a voice within but not ones own voice or the voice of the Soul. The higher mental plane activity is a more accurate way of communicating, although the visual aspect is often missed. The Teachers and Guides from beyond the veil need to work on many vibratory levels to be able to communicate with the aspiring souls – all are correct and all are tried out until one that suits both the teacher and the student is found. These methods change as growth (spiritual) and understanding take place. With the higher mental plane activity the aspiring student must have faith and must trust what is being received, for at this level visions are rare. So dear one, it is imperative to your growth that Trust and Faith become part of and remain your spiritual foundation. Become as 'Peter – the Rock' and build upon a firm, solid foundation. Do not be foolish and build upon soft sand that can easily be disturbed, disrupted and damaged. That is what I wished to share with you today, dear child. Continue with your disciplines of yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation, for these help one to become more focused. Try to keep these activities to a certain part of each day – morning, upon waking is a good and auspicious time for these activities and will help you to be more focused within all aspects of your daily life. Remember, 'what you focus on expands'. Blessings. PAX. ©