5th January 2015 - Thought Forms.....

04/02/2015 22:58
5th January 2015 - Thought-forms.
Greetings dear child. Once again touch upon the subject of thought-forms and their power. Thought-forms once made manifest attract to themselves energy, the level of energy attracted depends upon the level of intensity that powered the thought-form. Once made manifest one should be single minded, or one pointed in giving these thought-forms direction and life. Many, or should it be said most thought-forms come to naught and just hang around with all the others that are not directed. These hang in the astral plane as a dark cloud hangs in the sky, One must learn to control the thought process and recognise the power that all thoughts hold, as one grows in spiritual understanding one will think less and also speak less – only that which is necessary will be made manifest. Ponder upon these words. Blessings. PAX. ©.