4th October 2012 - Aspiring Souls
27/10/2012 14:20
4th October 2012 - Aspiring Souls
Greetings, dear friend and sister on the Path, for you are truly on the path and are one with the many Souls who are currently part of the Group of World Servers. It is a joy to be in communication with you and the many who make up this Group of Aspiring Souls – who know themselves to be Children of God. There is much that needs to be done, much preparation and hard work lies ahead of each of you before the next step of the Father’s Plan can be put in place. Dedication and self-less service is required of each of you – just follow your hearts and the still small voice of your higher selves and all will be well. The group of workers/serves is growing stronger each day because of the work and the commitment of the many aspiring souls who are working behind the scenes – working in the name of the Father, the Son and th Holy Spirit. Many of the Group of World Servers do not realize that they are in fact a part of this group. These are the one’s who work slowly and steadily for the good of all mankind, who are selfless and are pure of heart, helping those less fortunate than themselves, giving daily without counting the sot, helping to make conditions upon Planet Earth better for all its inhabitants. This includes each of the kingdoms in Nature – vegetable, mineral, animal and human. These aspiring sons and daughters of GOD work within all the different arena’s, but are all working to the same end. They are working towards bringing forth the Kingdom of Heaven, of God, here on Planet Earth. For in truth, Planet Earth is Paradise. So, praise and thanks rain forth to all those who are strong enough and open enough even though they realise it not, that they are working towards the Reappearance of the Christ as was promised 2,000 year ago. The time draws close and it is the job of those who work quietly for this time, whom we support, to continue along their chosen Path of Return, for their input is valuable, it is important. All points of light emanating from each worker/server are converging and it is a wonderous sight to behold. So much light and love pouring forth for the use of the Master who are found within the Heirarchy of which the Christ is head. Continue to have faith dear one, continue. Blessings. PAX. ©