4th March 2015 - Gift of Freewill.
26/04/2015 18:24
4th March 2015 - Gift of Freewill.
Greetings dear one. Freewill is the greatest of gifts given to humanity, freewill to follow one’s dreams and one’s chosen pathway. We from the higher realms watch with great sadness when this freewill is given away freely or taken away forcefully. For this gift of freewill was given to each incarnate Soul by Mother/Father God as a gift to make their journey – ‘theirs’. It is an abomination on the part of those who feel the need to control others, to take away the freewill of others only to feed their own ego’s. There is a price to be paid for this and pay each one will have to. It is now time for each incarnate Soul to see the light and love within each other, to treat each one as an equal, to love un-conditionally those one meets and to be non-judgemental of the path each chooses to walk. For each one is first and foremost a Soul, a Soul on a journey – a journey decided upon and planned whilst still residing in the World of Souls – a journey which will lead the Soul to higher and higher levels of awareness and being. Ponder upon these words. Blessings PAX. ©.