4th February 2014 - Harmony.
22/02/2014 23:274th February 2014 - Harmony.
Greetings dear one. Harmony – when everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet the vibrational sound can be both uplifting and healing. When everyone is busy singing whatever they are inspired to sing at that moment the vibrations will often be discordant. This is what happens throughout life across the face of the Planet Earth. Everyone, well almost everyone is busy doing exactly what they want to do with no thought of others and the need to create harmony. It is obvious when one sees the chaotic outcome of much that is attempted on the Earth Plane – discord not harmony is the end result. When more and more people become aware of the truth that they are first and foremost Souls on a journey and that the physical personality is a vehicle, a tool used to experience life on the third dimension, upon the Earth Plane, then instinctively, intuitively there will be more people singing from the same hymn sheet – as the saying goes. Life will become more harmonious and there will be more love, understanding and cooperation between people – families and countries will work together not as individuals but as One body. The Brotherhood of Man will become a reality. Work towards that time – work with the true ‘Self’, the Soul within. Blessings. PAX. ©.