3rd April 2014 - Manifested Reality.

22/04/2014 22:20

3rd April 2014 - Manifested Reality.

Greetings dear child. There is nothing that can be thought of that cannot, or will not, become a manifested reality. For as you know so well, thought is creative. The power of positive thinking is behind all of creation, but remember even positivity has two polarities – positive and negative, so when one is deep in thought, pondering upon what will be, make certain that one’s thoughts are positively positive. Negativity is of the darkness – you want to work with that which is of the Light. The Silence, also known as the Source, the Ascendant and the Oneness holds all of creations potential. The Silence contains all there is – it is pure consciousness and is all powerful. When one sits within the Silence the benefits are many although it will appear to be filled with ‘nothingness’. It is here that seed thoughts are planted, healing energies shared – although it will seem as though nothing is occurring, no exchange taking place. Trust that there was much activity but you were just unaware of it. The Power of the Silence is the Power of Mother/Father God and each one is a unique aspect of this Power. Ponder on these words. Blessings. PAX. ©.
