31st January 2013 - Rejoicing.
18/02/2013 19:47
31st January 2013 - Rejoicing.
Greetings dear one, when one gets the call to serve humanity it is does not come accompanied by bells and rejoicing – it arrives gently and is a feeling which grows stronger with the passing of time. Service is the way of growth and when one finds they are serving their fellowman it can be very fulfilling and uplifting experience. Service comes in many forms and one often does not realize the immensity of the deed that they are performing. For often some small act can be likened to the dropping of a stone into a still pool of water – try this out and see how far flung the ripples travel. So it is with the thoughts and dees of humanity although most are unaware of how they affect the world around them. No single act of service is over looked by the Soul within, but it is likewise with the thoughts and deeds that are negative and destructive – they also ripple upon the ethers of life. So dear one – take care and be responsible, watch your thoughts and think long and hard before you perform any deed. Blessings. PAX. ©