31.08.92 - We are always close by
21/06/2012 18:32
31.08.92 - We are always close by
It is true that we are with you, we have never been far from your side, but have been allowing you to move forward in your own tie.
It is truly wonderful to be able to communicate with you once again. We too have missed the times we spent together. Whenever you to, or have the time to, we are here, ready to communicate with you, to guide, to heal, to protect and to love you. Do not feel alone, just reach out and touch us for we are again united and again we able to walk closely by your side.
Slowly the channel will be opened and as we grow closer and stronger then so will the communication grow in strength. Within this new strength will be a greater understanding of the knowledge being brought forward.
You are ready to move forward, new links have been forged into the chain, these links are strong and are vital. Allow them to be strengthened, give yourself over to them and be as one with them, All will be well.
Doubt not, we are with you, you will be more able to see, feel and hear us as we gain in strength. A new period ofevents is about to commence. Do not miss out on any of the opening events. Be prepared and be an ever open channel for our communication. Your faith is needed a this time. Love and Blessings, we each here send our love to your and our guidance. Falter not our little one.