31.08.91 - Do not despair, we do not

20/05/2012 18:24




Today see's the close of another cycle, it is time to move forward, accepting the continuation of life. As one chapter or cycle closes, we have to, as smoothly as possible, find ourselves adjusting to the situations and experiences being brought forward within the new. Each cycle has its own particular energy to be used in a particular way. Allow these energies to become an integrated part of you and allow these energies to guide you forward. If you falter it will be harder for you to achieve full harmony with the rhythm and this would be sad.


Open up your Soul, your very centres of being and allow the energies to your guiding force. It is a time of change and movement. All will appear strange and you will feel lost and alone. Do not fear for this will not be the case. Follow your inner-most feelings and thoughts, allow this divine intervention to guide you along life's many pathways. Do not, as you have in the past, turn to those around you for guidance, for confirmation or strength. Accept that all these things and many more are within yourself, just waiting to be tapped into.


Too often in the past you have allowed yourself to be led by others, often to your detriment, this foolish action has cost you dearly, for in many ways you have fallen behind, do not be too concerned, for with renewed vigour and attention you can, with ease, find yourself in the right place at the allotted time.


Only now, please, do not be foolish. Keep your own council and go forward in perfect harmony with the energies that are around you and yet a part of you. Listen to the still small voice of guidance allow it to lead you forward to your chosen destiny.


All will be well. Wait for no man, for no man will wait for you. You can help by being true to your own destiny; in achieving what you set out to achieve you will be helping many. For this is so. Have faith and again keep your own council. There are many around who are ready to hold you back, convinced that if they can not go forward then neither will you. This is not as gloomy as it sounds, my child, still enjoy their companionship, but do not be waylaid or distracted. Remain blinkered, see your own truth, allow others to have their say, but listen cautiously and be true to what you know to be the truth, Always...peace be yours my child, walk in light and love. You are protected.


Blessings - Pax. ©
