30th May 2013 - Invocation.
18/06/2013 13:2430th May 2013 - Invocation.
Greetings dear child, invocation holds power, especially when followed by focused intent. Humanity uses invocation constantly but does not realize this is happening. Prayer and also thought when focused on a particular situation or object are forms of invocation and they invoke the energies of creation to support that which the desire to make manifest is being focused upon. Remember that the energies of creation have no conscience theirs is just to serve and build – so take care when invoking their help and support in any area of life, make certain that what is wished for is in fact what is needed. It is true that every action has a resultant re-action and everything has a price to be paid – not financially but energetically. Just think for a moment of the outcome of focused by a large group of individuals using the power of invocation to bring forth the Brotherhood of Man, but then the opposite side of the coin where negativity powers the invocation does not bearing thinking about. Alas, these things are a part of the reality within which all incarnating Souls must live, must move and must learn to grow ever stronger and more light infused. Invocation must be used wisely and with positive intent for the whole of Humanity. Blessings. PAX. ©.