2nd May 2013 -Tasks.

20/05/2013 23:29


2nd May 2013 -Tasks.

Greetings, dear one, open up your heart and mind, give thanks – that is the way to start each new day, letting go of the old and preparing to step forth into the new and untried. Each incarnating soul is on a journey that will test their strength, both internally and externally, will test their resolve and their integrity. The journey of life takes one from lesson to lesson, experience to experience, and often with no respite between each one. Know in your heart that nothing will be brought forward will be beyond your scope and potential. If there is an opportunity to take the time to explore the situation and maybe do a little forward planning then take the time to do so, as it may serve you well ar some future point in time. You may find that those you know well also take part in many of these situations, which can give one the support that is needed. Other times one may have to stand totally alone or to interact with those whose strengths and weaknesses are unknown. What is required for each task will be presented, so open up your senses, heart and mind, be aware of all that is around you. Each incarnate Soul must, like Hercules (Herakles) before them, along with other well known Sons and Daughters of God have many tasks to complete, each will polish up an aspect of the multi-faceted soul in each life-time. Strength, courage and fortitude is yours, ask and help will be given. Ponder on these few words. Blessings. PAX. ©.
