29th November 2014 - Words Hold Power.

28/12/2014 21:30
29th November 2014 - Words Hold Power.
Greetings dear one. Words hold great power, many upon the Earth Plane recognise and utilise this power, but the majority of Earth’s inhabitants are totally unaware of this truth. Words are the spoken thought – an energetic essence clothed something infinite but when clothed becomes grounded and made finite. For the most part even the most powerful of thoughts loses its momentum once spoken, for as already stated not many recognise the inherent power of the spoken word. When words are spoen by who knows their power and how to use them, be it for the light or dark, their power can be felt. Focus and intent along with charisma of the speaker makes the presence of these words felt and action will follow these spoken words, these thoughts that have now been clothed. Each one on the Earth Plane has the ability to speak these words with power and focus, in doing so they each have the ability to bring about change. In doing so each must accept personal responsibility for what they create, what they make manifest. Take care when vocalising thoughts. Take care when thinking – there is a great power underlying all things. Blessings. PAX. ©.