29.09.92 - The Mind is Infinite.

02/07/2012 19:25


29.09.92 - The Mind is Infinite.

The Power of the Mind is Infinite, it is the only  power and knows no boundaries.  Once mankind has realiseed his full potential there  will be great advancement, all will move forward and no one will be under the control of another.  This  state of being is still to be realised, but much is being done to bring it into fruition.

With  the realisation of the invisibility of this power has come a realisation of ones responsibility.  One  must  recognise it's potential for both positive and negative growth and the power it gives over others who are standing in a less developed state.  It is for those who  are already aware of this power, who actually use it in their day to day existence to help those around them into the realisation of their own potential.  It needs to be brought  into the open and de-mystified.

There is nothing super-natural  or super-normal  about the infiinite powers held within the minds of every individual,  it only appears that way.  For this has been brought about by those who have for ages past wanted to have a power over others.  They have, purposely, held the majority  back, keeping  them in darkness, the  darkness of ignorance and allowing growth only very rarely and in areas that suited only their own desired ends.

Now things are changing and changing for the better, standards of learning and methods employed are helping  the masses to climb out of the abyss of ignorance, helping them to move into  the light of knowledge and understanding allowing each to think and to reason for themselves, thus allowing each the opportunity for growth into the realisation that all things are possible for all men.  That no one person has the right to put themself above another, for in the sight of the Creator all are equal.

When the power of  the mind is used in a positive manner nothing but good can grow from its seed.  But, when it is used in a negative manner, it reaps only sorrow, disaster and pain for all, even those who may for a short time benefit from the ill-usage.  It is time now for mankind to come into his inheritance and to use its gifts wisely and well.   It is not for the select one or two, but, for all. 

So Brothers, as you grow in Power, be not misled, do not waste or abuse this gift.  Be sure to use it to benefit your less fortunate Brothers that they might also reap the benefits and also move forward into a greater understanding.  Sharing constantly your power of understanding will bring about better living standards, moral codes, there will be more caring and loving, in fact the world will become as the Garden of Eden once more.  A place worth living in, where greed and envy  will be no more.

Use your mind power well,  develop it to ever greater levels, but do not be as the miser and keep it for your own, give out, share and help mankind to move forward. 

Blessings.     Pax.
