28th October 2013 - Where Two or More......
15/11/2013 19:1928th October 2013 - Where Two or More......
Greetings dear child. ‘Where two or more gather together, there will I be also’. These words spoken by the Master Jesus are still as meaningful today as they were almost 2,000 years ago. When two or more gather together to discuss, meditate and share then the dynamics become so different from those times when one sits alone. The energies are different, there will be more power and there will be more potential present. It is good to get together with others, to sit and blend and to share after exploring new aspects of life. This is how ones understanding expands, but one must take into account that the ego aspect in the early stages of growth can and will ‘get in the way’. For the very nature of ego is ‘self-consciousness’. With time, the focus will move from the’ ego’ to the ‘group’ and at that time ‘group-consciousness’ will become the underlying energy, the dynamics will have been changed and focus is now upon the growth and cohesion of the ‘group’ and not the ‘self’. This is the ‘Path of the Disciple’ and is the path which leads one to Initiation – Initiation into the understanding of the underlying ‘Plan of the Creator’ Do not become the Hermit, walk hand-in-hand with others on the Path. Blessings. PAX. ©.